What is a good face wash for oily skin?

Question by : What is a good face wash for oily skin?
I have VERY oily skin and it annoys the heck out of me. I break out A TON and always seem to have acne (whether I cover it up with cover up or whatever doesn’t matter. I have recently been looking for a face wash that I can use for my oily skin that will help get rid of my acne. In the past I have not been very diligent with my face cleansers, but I am willing to use it every night if I have to. What, in your expiriences have you found to be the best for oily skin? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by emily
Look for any brands that specially make acne products (I like clean and clear). Neutrogena is
also good. Look for products that say “deep cleaning”, but if you have sensitive skin, make sure it is formulated for sensitive skin. I recommend neutrogena deep clean oil free gentle scrub or clean & clear foaming facial oil free cleanser. Removing all makeup is also key to clearing up skin. I also love Queen Helene mint julep masque for a few nights a week. It is very effective and you feel very fresh after using it. I love it! Good luck!!

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One Reply to “What is a good face wash for oily skin?”

  1. Oily Skin:

    Oily skin is known to age slower than regular skin and this is one of its greatest advantages. However, here are a few things you can try to keep you skin oil in check.

    Oily skin would require a different kind of cleansing. You need to use a lot of soap and hot water to stop the pores in your skin from getting clogged. Do not use products that are harsh and remove skin oilskin problems completely. This may cause blockages and further .
    Use moisturizers that are oil-free as it would help you maintain a complexion that is shine-free.

    You must maintain a clean skin at all times. Wash you face often, especially when you return home from any outdoor activity. Excessive washing will cause the skin to generate more oil.

    Here are a few remedies you can also try at home:

    About 30 minutes before you bath, mix half a teaspoon each, of cucumber juice and lime and apply on your face. You could also add some 2-3 drops of eau de cologne to the solution. This will help in keeping the oiliness at bay and also in refining the pores in your skin.
    To get rid of excess oil, apply a clay or mud mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of green clay powder. Apply this pack on your face but avoid the eyes. Leave this pack on for 15 minutes
    When produced in excess the oil or sebum combines with dead skin cells within the pores to form a blockage. The skin pores which otherwise drain out the excess oil; retain the oil because they are clogged. Bacteria within the blocked pores multiply leading to the formation of acne or pimples. Now that we know how an acne or pimple forms, we can get down to treating it. Acne should be treated in a holistic manner in order to achieve long lasting benefits. The most effective way would be to follow a simple 3 step routine.

    First Action:
    When an acne or pimple forms do not try to break it, as it will only worsen your condition and help in spreading the infection to the unaffected skin areas as well. Also the broken acne or pimple will leave a permanent scar on your face, which can only be lightened later, but never removed. Instead of irritating the affected skin you could help soothe it by simply washing your face with water every time you feel the need to scratch it. Additionally you could apply aloe vera gel to soothe the irritation. However the best remedy would be to simply wash your face with a mild face cleanser and water. This will help unclog the skin and wash away any access oil produced by the skin.

    Second Action:
    Eat healthy food. Avoid fried and junk food as they contain unhealthy fats that are known to promote secretion of oil in the sebaceous glands. Fresh fruits and vegetables will provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals that will help in building a healthy layer of skin under the current affected layer. Once your acne reduces due to the first two actions performed sincerely, you will find that your skin will look healthier although the acne will still be present until the third and final step is completed.

    Third Action:
    If you have already broken an acne or pimple and want to get rid of the scars, the following few simple steps would help you. Also this step should be followed when you are recovering from acne which has been treated in the above mentioned method. Add a few drops of lemon oil to a large saucepan of steaming hot water. Drape a towel over your head and steam your face. Steaming will help unclog the pores and facilitate sweating. Sweating will help in draining the excess oil produced by the skin. Lemon oil is a citrus oil that helps to break down the blockages causing the pimples and will allow the pimple to drain. Wipe your face with a soft towel after this. You can also make a mixture using the juice of half a lemon, 2 table spoons of honey and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply this paste to your face and let it soak into your skin. Take some sugar granules and rub them into the paste in a circular motion. This will help in fading the scars, as honey and turmeric have anti bacterial and anti fungal properties that hamper the growth of bacteria that causes acne. Lemon juice being a natural bleach will help lighten the scars. The sugar granules are merely used for facilitating exfoliation of the skin in this method. Exfoliation makes sure that the dead skin cells are replaced by healthier ones that have been formed underneath the present layer due to the first and second action performed by you.

    This triple action method will not only help you get rid of acne scars and pimples but will also make sure your skin will remain healthy and beautiful.

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