what are the best products for oily skin?

Question by timtam2ster: what are the best products for oily skin?
i’ve tried a sample of cosmedicine medi matte and i am quite impressed, i think i may buy the whole tube despite the expensive price. is the body shop tea tree oil blemish fade night lotion good for oily skin? or something from kiehls maybe. and any good oil absorbing makeup? thankss

Best answer:

Answer by winwithjesus2002
Even though your skin is oily it must be moisturized. Choose a lotion without natural oils such as luberderm. Also, do not wash your face too much or too hard. This just makes your skin produce more oils to make up for the removing of too many cell layers. Powdered make up is much better than cream or oilly make ups. Vitamins may also help such as Vitamin A, Zinc, Fiber, Chromium, Vitamin B6. Avoid dairy, sugar and high carb foods. Also, Proactiv really does work with dry, oilly, and acned up skin. Also, try some homemade facials such as apple, oatmeal, and yogurt for 10 – 15 minutes and rub in cirular motion off.

Hope this helped!

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