Acne Treatment For Oily Skin

Article by taalib durden

Oily skin is real trouble and treating it is can really be a nightmare. All you ask for perfect oil free clear skin. One may have tried various products but unfortunately resulting into disappointment, sinking you deeper into frustration. If you are the one with oily skin, then it needs a special care and treatment as this type of skin is more prone to acne and pimples. Now you will have to cater to these needs to get the desired result.

What causes oily skin?Some may have born with it and some may experience the excessiveness during the adolescence. This period is most exasperating as this condition is predisposed to acne. For some may not get lucky & get it worse than others. Whether you have oily skin by birth or you got into the trouble in later stage, either way, you must have figured out that most of the skin disorders are caused due to hyperactivity of sebaceous glands.

Oil is produced by sebaceous glands and it is referred as sebum. Though, these glands are present all over body. Sometime, hyperactivity of sebaceous glands of face cause excessive oil secretion, flinging the every possibility of skin infection as mixture of oil and dirt may clog the pores thus instigating to various skin infections.

Nose is one body parts that is most affected by this excessive oil production. The pores on the nose need larger pores to disperse the sebum to the nose and the rest of the face. The nose is the place where an excess of oil can easily be produced, and then that oil can build up. A build up of oil can easily cause problems with acne, in addition to the more common ‘blackheads’.


Adolescence not just characterized by secondary sexually characters, but hormonal changes that trigger sebaceous glands for oil production. Overactive sebaceous glands activity leads excessive oil production thus leading to acne and other skin infection.

Caring For Oily SkinBefore shelving and false belief about oil and dirt, one should be aware that these substances are not directly responsible for the dismay. They can, however, block pores thus allowing buildup of bacteria casing all the troubles. It is advisable to wash your face you face regularly with mild face wash or simply with normal water. Don’t use harsh soaps, as it makes your skin dry, even worse could lead to cracks on the skin making it more susceptible to skin infections. So it is always better to avoid hard soaps or scrubs. You will need to avoid grease, oil or gel based cosmetics products, as it may aggravate the situation. In the same fashion, lotion and moisturizers should also be avoided. Treating oily skin for acne is not as simple as it sounds and without any shadow of doubt, too much oil can block pores and worsen acne, but not enough can create problems of its own. Finding the right balance will help you to enjoy clear skin, even if it is somewhat oily.

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Know more about skin care serviceAnti aging , Wrinkle Treatment , Skin whitening, Microdermabrasion treatment acne treatment

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