Best Acne Treatment for Oily Skin

Article by John Petersons

If you are seeking the best acne treatment for your skin, then it is equally important to find out the type of your skin, that whether it is of oily or dry or normal type. Just treating your skin to any acne preventing over the counter ointment or lotion will cause more harm rather than benefit. The treatment depends on the categories of skin and is thus advisable that you pick the right one pertaining to your skin.If your skin is extremely oily, then you will be prone to pimples very much. The oil generated by the sebaceous glands tends to block the pores on your skin trapping dirt, grease and dirt in it. You must wash your face even with plain water as much as possible or along with a mild antiseptic soap. Stop eating oily and spicy food and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Eat green leafy vegetable and fruits which are rich in antioxidants and will detoxify your skin. Wash your hair frequently so that it remains dandruff free which is another cause of acne. Go for soft and mild cleansers such as castile soap and not the ones which have exfoliating agents in it, as these will tend to irritate the skin more. Another best acne treatment can be that you treat your pimples with solutions consisting of salicylic acid along with natural remedies.If you are seeking the best acne treatment for your skin, then it is equally important to find out the type of your skin, that whether it is of oily or dry or normal type. Just treating your skin to any acne preventing over the counter ointment or lotion will cause more harm rather than benefit. The treatment depends on the categories of skin and is thus advisable that you pick the right one pertaining to your skin.If your skin is extremely oily, then you will be prone to pimples very much. The oil generated by the sebaceous glands tends to block the pores on your skin trapping dirt, grease and dirt in it. You must wash your face even with plain water as much as possible or along with a mild antiseptic soap. Stop eating oily and spicy food and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Eat green leafy vegetable and fruits which are rich in antioxidants and will detoxify your skin. Wash your hair frequently so that it remains dandruff free which is another cause of acne. Go for soft and mild cleansers such as castile soap and not the ones which have exfoliating agents in it, as these will tend to irritate the skin more. Another best acne treatment can be that you treat your pimples with solutions consisting of salicylic acid along with natural remedies.

About the Author

Apart from all these probably the Best Acne Treatment will be that you simply avoid touching your face or acne with fingers. This will prevent the carrying of the germs to the acne and aggravating it.Acne TreatmentsJohn Petersons has been contributing to leading magazines for the past 10 years.

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