What food and creams are best for oily faces?

Question by Michaela Rose: What food and creams are best for oily faces?
I have very oily skin, especially on ym face and it is immnesely annoying. I literally have to rub my faces, particulary my nose with a tissue every five minutes to have it look controlled. Is there any food to eat that could help decrease the oil?
Any foods and/or bevergaes to avoid?
What are some good creams to help prevent it?
I have alot of acne and blackheads as well, any advice/suggestion for that too?
Please help, going to Highschool soon… thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Dafds Fdafs

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One Reply to “What food and creams are best for oily faces?”

  1. Avoid oily foundation and foundation that contains alcohol, and parabens (Read in the description).
    Don’t wash your face more than 3 times a day. Don’t use soap, but get a product that helps your with getting a less oily face use Balanced Face Wash from Origins. I’ve tried it and it actually helps. Touching your face too much to remove the oil. Ecspecially when you’re outside and have dirty hands.
    Chips, candy, Fast food etc. . Avoid eating too much.
    Use a primer, like a base for your foundation so it doesn’t smudge off easily and stay on for longer.
    Make sure to use a moisturizer for oily skin the places you need it, and if you have dry places on your face(like your chin) then use a more thick cream. Here a site with moisturizers that might help : http://www.squidoo.com/Best-Moisturizers-For-Oily-Skin
    If you use powder then use a mineral powder. It’s best for your skintype.
    Drink a lot of water.

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