my skincare routine(oily skin)

This is my skincare routine to keep my oily skin under control. Cleanser: 100% PURE AFRICAN BLACK SOAP/ WITH MY CLARISON TONER: ROSEWATER/ OLEHENRIKEN AFRICA…
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25 Replies to “my skincare routine(oily skin)”

  1. It’s five pounds not five bucks im sure your located in England so am I
    please use the right English terms so people know your in England 

  2. I love your skin color. I am struggling with dark marks and oily skin for
    years. I do want to try these products but the prices are like too
    expensive for me snifffff

  3. U r so right about black soap, i have been using black soap for years and
    it does help with dark spots fade away. Keep your skin looking excellent.

  4. Hi, have you heard about ByeACNEpie” (just google it)? There you will find
    a good free video explaining how you can get rid of acne quickly. This
    helped Kevin to get gorgeous clean skin within 1-2 month. I hope it will
    help you too.

  5. Hi, have you heard of “Breakfree of Acne” (just do a Google search for
    it…)? There you can watch a good free video showing how to wipe out acne
    fast. This made it possible for Edith to get attractive cleansed skin and
    pores within thirty to sixty days. It might help you also…

  6. i love the alive vitamin.. it finished and i was just lazy to go to gnc for
    another bottle , so i was shopping in the organic market and saw that one
    an wanted to try it its all natural and packs more thank the alive..

  7. Do you think Ambi black soap is a good dupe for the black soap you use?
    Being that I live in a small town, Ambi is the only access to black soap.

  8. do the black soap cause black heads ? I heard fats such as coconut and shea
    butter clog pores. Just wondering because i want to try black soap

  9. I’m going to try this because my face has gotten EXTREMELY OILY the past
    few yrs. I’ve tried cleaner after cleanser and nothing helps. Its so oily,
    my makeup (the seldom times I wear it!) never sets. Tried 4 different
    setting sprays and nothing helps, after 10 minutes my nose is shinier than
    Rudolph. Hopefully this helps or I’ll have to try a dermatologist.

  10. oh, thanks for the suggestion, but i dont suffer from acne anymore and i
    love my skin care routine and i think its working for me, back then i would
    have love to try something new when i had acne but now its all gone so i’m
    just continue what i;m doing, but thanks so much..

  11. any oil free- moisturizer of your choice would work..i just rather the
    natural brands,this way i know what ingredients i am putting on my skin..

  12. Came across your channel and subscribed. Love your videos. I also use black
    soap and have oily skin and acne. I barely break out since using it. It has
    helped me tremendously and will forever be apart of my skin care routine. I
    also use aloe vera juice as a toner. I will have to try the products you
    mentioned in this video. Love your hair!!

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