How Natural Acne Treatments Hit the Spot and Clear an Oily Face

Article by M Hayward

How Natural Acne Treatments Hit the Spot and Clear an Oily Face!

In many walks of life natural treatments seem to be gaining popularity, many people are again coming to realize that, far from being ‘special’ humans are in fact part of the natural world. Because of that natural remedies do work, and in many cases will work better than man made solutions.

What is important is that natural acne treatments must target the right things, the underlying causes of problems. There is a strong biological reason that people get spots, and it is this reason that needs to be addressed, whilst considering all the other factors as well. Which is why, before we examine natural acne treatments and how they work we first need to understand the science behind spots.

Why An Oily Face Leads to Spots

The formation of spots has to do with the sebaceous glands. These are tiny glands that sit just below the layer of your skin all over your body. They produce a natural substance called sebum that is used by your body to keep your skin healthy and supple.

But factors such as stress, hormone imbalances or certain drugs can cause the body to produce more sebum than it needs to. This oily substance then builds up in the pores of the skin giving rise to an oily face and causing spots, blackheads and other nasties to form.

Of course this is not the only reason for oily face and spots. Outside oily substances have a similar effect. Various make ups and moisturisers especially can cause similar, non-biological build ups of oily patches.

How Natural Acne Treatments Work

So it is this build up of oil that needs to be addressed, as that is what causes the spots in the first place. The problem with conventional medicinal ways of doing this is that the pills aim to stop sebum producing. While this often does stop spots and remedies oily skin it can also cause the skin to become dry, flaky and painful – flaking skin and cracked lips is as painful and as unsightly as the acne spots that the medicine is trying to prevent.

Which is why natural acne treatments often work better. There are two concepts behind two different types of natural acne treatment.

The first focuses on getting the balance of minerals and nutrients right… giving you the right balance so that your sebaceous glands don’t produce too much sebum. This can work in some people, and work very well, but if the problem comes as a result of medicine (steroids, birth control pills etc) then it is largely ineffective.

The second process works on targeting the oily patches and normalising them before spots can form. Usually this type of natural acne treatment comes in the form of a scrub or a facial mask. The facial mask removes some (but importantly, not all) of the sebum and oil, neutralising the oily face but allowing the skin to breathe and retain elasticity.

The Best Natural Skin Care Products

The best natural skin care products also include various nutrients and amino acids that will not only treat any acne or oily face issues without aggravating a sensitive skin but will also help improve the quality, feel and look of your complexion without resorting to possibly harmful harsh chemicals.

About the Author

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