Any Solutions to Control Oil on the Face with Oil Control Film?

Question by Eric: Any Solutions to Control Oil on the Face with Oil Control Film?
Oily skin is characterized by large pores and overactive oil glands. Often after oily skin is washed it can become greasy again within a matter of minutes. Before you resort to astringents that dry your skin, look to homemade ingredients that can nourish and restore your oily skin. Consult a dermatologist if you continue to be plagued with oily skin problems. He may offer a medical treatment program.Yet how to do oil control with simple steps?

Best answer:

Answer by eva ou
1.Mix the lemon juice, egg whites, honey, mashed strawberries and jojoba together. Apply at once to your face and let the mixture set for 10 minutes or until it is dry. Rinse with warm water. This mask makes enough for two applications, so you can share it with a friend. It is not recommended to refrigerate this mask for later use. Use this mask several times a week for good results.
2.Apply plain yogurt to your oily skin daily as a cleanser or after cleansing, to dry up oily skin. After application, allow ithe yogurt to dry completely; then rinse it off with warm water. This is safe to use indefinitely.
3.Mix equal parts of tea tree oil and sea salt and apply the mixture sparingly to oily parts of your skin. Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat oily skin and blemishes. It contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties, according to If you experience skin irritation, discontinue use. Look for tea tree oil in most health food stores.
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It is related with oil control film.

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