What is a good face wash for men that treats oily skin and acne?

Question by nachomanfork: What is a good face wash for men that treats oily skin and acne?
My skin is really oily. It’s nasty. I also have A LOT of blackheads and pimples. More blackheads then pimples. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by reddhotz2000
the #1 suggestion is to see a dermatologist and get on the meds needed to treat your acne. They usually will give you samples of some of the skin cleansers, and one of them is Neutogena’s Foaming Face Cleanser with a pump bottle so that it stays clean and not contaminated. They will also give you other meds to get rid of the blackheads and then to exfoiliate your skin, too. It’s money well spent and the acne will go away.

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