One Reply to “Q&A: oily skin?”

  1. Washing with hot water and soap prevents oily skin. Using hot water will work best to dissolve the excess oils on your skin. Choose a strong soap or astringent to clean your skin even more.

    Avoiding oily skin-care products prevents oily skin. After washing your skin use oil-free lotions and moisturizers or sprinkle on some baby (talcum) powder instead. This will keep your skin feeling refreshed and moisturized without leaving behind greasy residue.

    A healthy diet can prevent oily skin. Don’t eat a lot of greasy and fatty foods; the oils in these foods can eventually work their way out through your skin glands. Look for foods that contain unsaturated fats, which are good for you when eaten in moderation, and balance these with lots of fresh produce and vitamins.

    Added stress can cause oily skin. Extra stress in your life will strain your body as well, so if you find that your skin is oilier when you’re anxious or busy take the time to wind down and relax. The sweat from a good workout will clean out your pores and refresh your skin as well.

    If the above suggestions don’t help you can always look for skin-care products designed specifically for your problem. Stronger astringents and toners are available, and products containing alpha hydroxy acids work to normalize skin without causing damage or added stress.


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