Oily Skin!!!?

Question by Darbie: Oily Skin!!!?
What is best for oily skin?

Best answer:

Answer by USC chick
First, proper cleansing is critical in successfully dealing with oils that can cause blemishes. Apply a gentle facial cleanser with warm water at least twice a day. Experts say that every 8 hours sebum should be cleaned away so as not to cause blemishes. Generally speaking, cleansing the face once in the morning and once at night is sufficient. If there is exposure to oils around a workplace or excessive perspiration during the day, washing a third time can be helpful. Care, however, should be taken not to scrub or wash too much because constant stimulation can cause more oil. A balanced, sensible treatment for oily skin is necessary.

Oddly enough, oil-based cleansers should be used in order to dissolve residue. A cleanser with anti-bacterial properties is effective since pimples are caused by underlying bacteria. Do not use a cleanser that has alcohol in the ingredients which can lead to excessive dryness. Second, after proper cleansing, use a mild, oil-free moisturizer to keep the epidermis smooth and supple. Some experts suggest that people with extremely difficult problems should refrain from using moisturizers until they are around thirty years of age. Third, other treatments that can be used are mud masks and antiseptic day or night creams.

Creams that include the ingredient benzoyl peroxide are generally the most effective. Mud masks are another treatment for oily skin that can be applied not only at spas, but at home. There are many choices that can be purchased at drug stores or cosmetic counters. Those who are sensitive should consider using a mask that has lighter colored clay. There are times when an astringent is helpful in dissolving excess sebum. Astringents should be used sparingly as they can dry too harshly. Witch-hazel is a natural astringent that can be used from time to time. Over-the-counter astringents should contain acetone which has been shown to dissolve oil.

There are some natural, home solutions that can be applied effectively and that do not cost much. Some oily skin treatments include: mix lemon juice and water in equal parts and apply 2 or 3 times a day; mix 1/2 teaspoon of cucumber and lime juice, then apply before taking a shower; or mix lime juice and witchhazel, then apply to face just before putting on makeup. Do not wash away, but let it dry thoroughly before using cosmetics. While dermatologists are generally hesitant to suggest that ones diet has much to do with excessive sebum production, there is more and more evidence that eating a balanced diet can help control blemishes.

Eating foods that are low in fats are helpful in reducing sebum production in the glands. Also, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and plenty of fiber not only provides important nutrients, but can assist the body in sweeping away its toxic overload that can lead to epidermal problems. Drinking extra water is not just an old wives’ tale when it comes to epidermal health. One of the best oily skin treatments is to stop drinking soft drinks and add 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to the diet. This also helps in rejuvenating the skin by flushing debris from the pores and by providing proper hydration overall.

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3 Replies to “Oily Skin!!!?”

  1. First of all, choose a soap that doesnt dry your skin, because the dryer it gets, the more sebum it secretes and therefore it gets oilier after. You can use some special body lotions which hydrate your skin, thus reducing the sebum level your skin has to secrete. This way your skin wont look/feel oily, and it will get the necessary vitamins/minerals/hydration.

  2. NuCelle brand products.

    They’re kind of expensive, but trust me, they’re worth it.

    No more disgusting oil all over my nose!

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