My new skin care routine for my 13 yr old acne/oily skin?

Question by wally: My new skin care routine for my 13 yr old acne/oily skin?
`cetaphil cleanser

`cetaphil cleanser
`100% tea tree oil spot treatment

I drink 6-8 cups of water a day, and eat 1-3 fruits a day

Is it too harsh? or is it just right? i do not wear makeup, i have oily/acne skin. and i am 13 yrs old.

If it is too harsh, any recommendations??

Best answer:

Answer by phusion
I’d probably see a dermatologist if your routine isn’t working; it can save a lot of experimentation, however it doesn’t seem what you are doing is harsh at all.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Replies to “My new skin care routine for my 13 yr old acne/oily skin?”

  1. wash your face every morning and exfoliate with a scrub once a week. It also helps to put hot rags on your face for like 15mins and then squeezing the living crap out of them suckers (but put a tissue in between your fingers when you do it, to ensure that you tear the skin and cause a scar). If you don’t want to squeeze them, you should still use the hot rags. I don’t think your routine is too harsh… you should always drink at least 8 cups of water and eat fruit daily anyway… it’s good for you.
    Also, no matter what you do, never wash your face with bar soap. It makes your skin flake and it clogs up your pores, causing the oil to get trapped and causing even more acne

  2. You don’t need to do anything more than you are already doing. A healthy diet, exercise and clean skin is all that is necessary. Sad but true that our teenage years are plagued with spots, blackheads, greasy skin etc purely on account of our hormones.

    If your acne (are you sure it isn’t just a few spots?) looks fiery or infected then go straight to the doctor and get an antibiotic otherwise just try to forget about it – and don’t pick or squeeze on any account!

  3. Hi there,

    Your skin care routine sounds ok for me. But maybe I can share with you what I did on skin care traditionally. I was having a bad acne previously and my mom told me to practice some tradition routine and its really work for oily skin and hope it will work on you too.

    When you cook rice (I hope you eat it), you must keep the first water that you use to clean the rice before you cook them. Keep it at least 24 hours before you can use it.

    Every morning when you wake up, clean your face with the mentioned water. I did it and its really work on me. The oily skin is gone and my acne improve a lot.

    You may also use the natural based product too because it was believed that natural product more friendly on skin, less harmful compared with the chemical based product. It is really suitable for sensitive skin.

    Maybe link below can help you to find a suitable product for you.


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