Makeup and Moisturizer for OILY to Combination Sensitive Skin! (Large PORES)

COME SAY HI ON INSTAGRAM: Saratea_cup MY FAVORITE BRUSHES: Hey beautiful! So this video is makeup and moisturizers I…
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20 Replies to “Makeup and Moisturizer for OILY to Combination Sensitive Skin! (Large PORES)”

  1. Just watched your video (a yr later). Your intention was wonderful;
    however, when it came to product details, it was very brief with out a
    close up on the products which I was not able to get them all down except
    the Cetaphil. I would like to watch more of your professional advices
    through, so I hope you will provide a summary at the end or a screen shot
    of all the products you introduced in each video.

  2. I have an oily skin but not too oily and also dry skin when i’m using
    cleanser and i’m scared to use moisturizer because I have pimples what do
    you think should I use?? 

  3. Hi, thanks for your video. I have really sensitive skin as well – that also
    alternates from oily to dry. I’m going to look into the Pore minimizer, by

    I’ve suffered from sensitive skin for a long time, around my lips, nose,
    and chin. I’m actually working on a product (website for now) to help
    people with skin issues find products that are clear of their allergens. I
    understand that each person’s skin gets triggered by different chemicals,
    and what i’m working on allows people to list the ingredients they want to
    avoid and see products that don’t have that ingredient (customizing the
    search for them). I’m starting this and I would love to get your advice.
    Your input would be really valuable. Would it be possible for us to email
    and chat?

    Thanks again for doing what you’re doing to help people like me. It’s
    empowering to know that there are skin products that can work on my skin,
    eczema and sensitive skin issues are a constant battle for me.

  4. For moisturizer you should try the neutrogena combination moisturizer. It’s
    good for oily skin and also good for dry patches.

  5. I have VERY oily skin and I LOVE the Cetaphil moisturizer. I use it full
    strength in the winter and water it down in the summer. In a seperate
    bottle I mix 50% purified water and 50% Cetaphil and it does a great job of
    moisturizing my face without being too heavy. I buy the big $15 bottle and
    I swear it lasts forever.

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