How to stop oily skin?

Question by Bailey: How to stop oily skin?
My skin is extremmly oily in the T zone on my face (forehead, nose and chin), it is SO embarresing ad feels horrible!
Someone help me and tell me what I could do to stop or preven this?

Best answer:

Answer by laaudan
Whatever you do, do not wash your face more than 2x per day (preferably when you wake up and before bed). What happens is that your body compensates for the loss of oil by making more oil. To deal with excess oil the rest of the time, use blotting paper. I learned from a makeup artist that those toilet seat covers (at all public restrooms) are the same thing as those expensive packs of blotting tissues. And inexpensive! In addition, there are mattifying creams that might help out with keeping the shine at bay (I’m not familiar with the available brands). I hope this helps!

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One Reply to “How to stop oily skin?”

  1. You should go see a dermatologist. They can prescribe creams and ointements like Retin-A and other brands to help shrink the oil glands. These medications are mostly used for acne patients. They will dry your skin and help with fine lines and wrinkles if used regularly.

    They do cause sun sensativity so do wear your sunscreen!

    Depending on your age you might have to pay out of pocket for the medications. Insurance companies will not cover the meds; after a certain age they are considered to be cosmetic treatments.

    Hope that helped. Good luck!

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