How do you get rid of oily skin and large pores?

Question by : How do you get rid of oily skin and large pores?
I have oily skin and also have rosacea.
My routine:
Wash with clean & clear morning burst
Neutrogena alcohol free toner
Zenmed moisturizer (for rosacea)
Oil-free liquid foundation for oily skin
Dream matte powder
Oil blotting sheets once or twice daily
Grapeseed mask once every week or two

I feel like I’ve tried everything. My face is still so oily and my pores are always huge. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Sammy
The best way to deal with oiliness on the skin is to keep the skin clean by cleansing regularly. This helps to clean dirt and oil that may have accumulated in the skin pores. Washing the face twice daily is considered ideal, as too much washing can also strip the skin of its natural lubrication. Make use of cleansers that are designed for oily skin and those which do not contain alcohol. Even though, the skin may be oily, it is still important to moisturize the skin. Again, use a moisturizer specially made for oily skin. Water based moisturizers are good for the skin as they do not cause clogging in the pores.

An effective facial scrub is made using almonds and honey. It helps to exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells and oil, and also nourishes the skin. Adding about half a teaspoon of baking soda to liquid soap helps to cleanse the skin of oil. You can rinse the skin with cool water after applying this solution. Cornstarch mixed with warm water can be rubbed gently on the face. This helps to absorb excess oil from the skin. Saline water can also be sprayed on the face to draw out excess oil.

Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar may also be applied to the oily areas with a cotton ball. This can be left on for about fifteen minutes and then rinsed off with cool water. The vinegar can be diluted depending upon the sensitivity to the skin. For hot summer months, the vinegar can be frozen into ice cubes and then applied to the skin. A good face pack is made with cooked oatmeal, mashed apple, lemon juice and egg white. Apply and leave it on the face for fifteen minutes and then wash with cool water. A mask of egg yolk too, helps to dry out the skin by removing excess oil. Lemon juice and water is great for removing extra oil from the skin. A solution of cucumber juice and lime juice is also effective in getting rid of oiliness on the skin.

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3 Replies to “How do you get rid of oily skin and large pores?”

  1. Drink loads of water wash your face 2 times a day no more than 2 times. Use aveeno mouisturiser it’s a sime one that I can use everywhere and it bend out your skin and help dry oily or any type really

  2. Here is a morning routine that will fit your type of skin:

    1. Rinse face with warm water (splash)
    2. Scrub face with regular clean&clear face wash- fragrances and dyes can harm your skin, so this one is safer
    3. Rinse face with freezing cold water in washcloth
    4. Use an astringent from clean&clear, the blue colored one is the gentlest type
    5. Use the Zenmed moisturizer, this is one thing in your routine that you definitely need to keep if it’s a skin condition you have had for a while now

    Shower routine:

    1. Rinse face under warm- not hot- water, and massage with a soft washcloth
    2. Use the same cleanser as stated before
    3. EVERY THREE DAYS use a scrub/exfoliant

    Before bed:
    1. Astringent
    2. LIGHT lotion that doesn’t leave residue

    To make your pores smaller you can actually rub EGG WHITES on them- it sounds weird, but I have large pores too and it worked wonders for me.

    Make sure to keep your hair back and DON’T GET BANGS, this will only make your face oilier. When you work out, use a sweat band to keep it from running onto your forehead- also, keep a sweat rag to gently dab the sweat off of your cheeks, nose, et cetera.

    Finally, drink lots of water. The more you drink, the more you’ll sweat, releasing toxins and oils from your body. Then just shower immediately after a workout and it’ll all go away!

    Most importantly, don’t use that mask too much! This can actually make your skin peel/dry and then your oil glands may go on “overdrive” and produce TOO MUCH oil!

    Hope that helps, hon!

  3. google a powder named “Eshiko” its one of the craze right now in Japan. You can buy it online… the effect is amazing.

    Perfect for any skin color, skin types or problems….

    Im using it now and i love the effects.. it basically blurs out and refracts light giving an illusion of perfect skin.

    But if you really want best skin even without make up, I suggest trying out zeonfusion miracle peel from its the best.

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