Q&A: How to Get Rid Of Shiny Oily Skin?? {10 Points}?

Question by MaydayParade: How to Get Rid Of Shiny Oily Skin?? {10 Points}?
I’m alright in the morning and everything but by the middle of the day i my face is so shiny and oily, probably because its hot but its only me! No one else gets like it!

I wash my face everyday, use a clean and clear toner for oily skin which does get the oil and dirt off my skin but doesnt help in the long run, i cant take it to school with me! I also moisturize my skin with an oil free moisturizer.

Can Anyone Give Me Tips On How To Get Rid or Make my oily skin less noticeable?

Thanks In Advance,
Best Answer 10 Points 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Frizzle
Hi Jazzie,

I have had lots of problems with my skin in the past, so I completely understand how frustrated you must feel. This may seem a bit weird, but one product I have had a lot of success with is called Rose Hip Oil. Like I said, it seems weird, cos you would think that applying an oil such as this to already oily skin would make it worse, but because it is natural it seems to work really well. It’s a dry oil, so it doesn’t feel really gross or anything. It also helps with acne and redness and stuff like that. It does smell a bit like rose petals, so beware of that. It’s not a bad smell, but it is an unusual one.

Also, you mentioned that you have trouble throughout the day cos you can’t take your cleanser to school. Have you thought about buying those cleansing wipes that you can keep in your bag or locker so you can just use them to wipe your face when you need to? You don’t have to use any water, so they’re really quick and easy and they make your face feel so much fresher.

You don’t mention whether acne is a problem for you, but if is, the best advice I can give you is to go to your doctor. I was having problems a few years ago, and the doctor prescribed some tablets called Doxycycline and they truly were a godsend. For the first time in my life, I was actually complimented on how nice my skin was which was a really good feeling.

Hope I helped

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I have really oily skin– any suggestions?? 10 points best answer!!!:)?

Question by Autumn <3: I have really oily skin– any suggestions?? 10 points best answer!!!:)?
I am 16 years old, female, and I have had oily skin for a couple of years. I am getting sick of it! 2 years ago, I had really bad acne, but I went to my dermatologist and he prescribed me 2 lotions, which worked wonders, and all my acne is gone (except for the occasional, normal teenage breakouts). I still have very oily skin, and when I put on my makeup, within an hour, my face is so oily, making the makeup look sweaty and like its coming off. Any experience with products that worked for you?? I would try anything!!! I do wash my face and eat healthy, also I drink plenty of water. I just don’t know what I have left to do, but something needs to be done!!


Best answer:

Answer by LL Cool J
Pro activ or clearasil dry out your skin with benzoyl peroxide so id use one of those medications. it will dry your skin as an effect and also keep acne away

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