Twinings Earl Female Black Tea 50 Packages/125g

Twinings Earl Female Black Tea 50 Packages/125g

  • China Black Tea
  • Production date: July 15, 2013 to July 16, 2013, shelf life: 420 days
  • 50 bags/box of 125 grams
  • Usually in the afternoon, but also some people like to drink for breakfast or dusk
  • Bergamot is the earliest is applied on the aromatic therapy of bactericidal effect of itself, its efficacy as lavender, can fight indoor dust mites, reason often used in allergic rhinitis and pediatric asthma relief, in indoor incense, and not only can let a person feel relaxed and happy, even have clean air, the effect of preventing the spread of the virus; Used for skin massage, is very helpful for acne, oily skin, can balance oily skin secretion of sebaceous gland

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Chinese tea has been the classic tradition of good tea. The fresh tea leaves are carefully fermented to create a mature taste with an attractive red tea infusion. Chinese tea has its own unique flavor, can enjoy.
Classic black tea varieties of tea contains eight bags cleverly mix. They are independent packaging tea bags. The taste of black tea blend traditional style. In

List Price: $ 60.20


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