Control Acne Subliminal CD with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) imbedded in soothing music and calming sounds of ocean waves

Control Acne Subliminal CD with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) imbedded in soothing music and calming sounds of ocean waves

  • Control your acne using the power of your subconscious mind!
  • Save money on expensive treatments and drugs!
  • Soothing Ocean Waves and Beautiful Synthesizer Music relaxes you while the subliminals take affect.
  • Listen to this cd while relaxing, working, cleaning house, or surfing online!

This is a subliminal product with hundreds of positive affirmations recorded onto one relaxing CD. Although the words aren’t audible, they are there and they are powerful! The affirmations are masked by beautiful music and soothing ocean waves. Meanwhile, as you focus on something else, or just while relaxing, the subliminal affirmations take hold in your subconscious mind. The affirmations are powerful and designed to bring about safe, healthy and permanent changes in your life. With so many su

List Price: $ 12.99
