How to get rid/prevent oily skin & blackheads?

Question by : How to get rid/prevent oily skin & blackheads?
I use oil free face washes and lotions, but my skin, nose especially, always seems to get extremely oily. I also have many blackheads on my nose, which I have been trying to get rid of, and the oil seems to make them more visible. My question is how can I get rid of my oily skin and prevent it from coming back? I’d also like to know how to get rid of my blackheads.

Thank you :]

Best answer:

Answer by jeadorelepapillon
i dont know about the oil, i’m sorry 🙁 but i do know about blackheads for sure! biore makes amazing nose strips… here’s a link

my fingers are crossed for you! definitely know how you feel 🙂

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3 Replies to “How to get rid/prevent oily skin & blackheads?”

  1. eat lotssss of peanut butter yea u might think the oil in it would make ur skin more oily but it clears ur skin and makes it look really good 🙂

  2. Hi,
    Well I think you should see a skin Doctor or try proactive I know it really helped my skin and I also had blackheads and Proactive really helped me but you should also see a Doctor it sure can’t hurt maybe try going to a place where they clean your face and let them clean it up and then try Proactive they will clean all the blackheads out of your face so try a good cleaning first and the try Proactive you can find it at let me know how things work out for you good luck.

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