How do you cure an oily face?

Question by Kalia: How do you cure an oily face?
I use an exfoliating scrub, but my face gets oily 30 mins later. It’s gross. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by Jan C
You need to keep your face really clean but don’t scrub as it does more damage than good.

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2 Replies to “How do you cure an oily face?”

  1. Don’t use the exfoliant everyday. For dry skin it will cause sensitivity and for oily, it’ll provoke the glands to produce more oil. 2-3 times a week is best.

    An oldie but a goodie trick is to put a warm washcloth on your face for a minute to open pores. Then wash with regular soap (oatmeal soaps are wonderful!!). After that, put an astringent (Seabreeze is cheap and works great) on a cotton ball and apply all over your face, especially your t-zone (forehead, nose, and cheeks). After that dries, pat your face with cold water to close the pores.

    You can use the Nuetrogena and Clearasil products, too. I used to use them until my dad, of all people, told me this trick from when he was a kid. I saved a ton of money and it really worked wonders for my skin.

    One thing to definitely splurge on, though, would be the oil absorbent papers. They come in a little case that you can take anywhere. during the day, just take one out and blot the oily parts. They won’t affect your makeup at all.

    And diet-wise, eating veggies like celery and cucumbers seem to make a difference after about a week as well.

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