How can I get rid of oily skin?

Question by Andrea Mendez: How can I get rid of oily skin?
I have really bad oily skin. It drives me insane when I feel my face oily and sticky. I wash my face day and night with a st. ives facial scrub. I drink water every day. I mainly get oil on my nose and some right around the edges of my nose. How can I get rid of oily skin? Something cheap. I don’t want to spend over 20 dollars on products. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Jes100
Rubbng alcohol

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3 Replies to “How can I get rid of oily skin?”

  1. Try washing your face 3 times a day with a face wash like cetaphil. Also you can get a acne cream. Most creams work by drying your skin. I recamend clearasil. Hope this helps! 😀

    Here are a few ways to clear your skin.

    Tie your hair back when you sleep (your hair can get dirty without relizing it.)

    Wash your face in the morning and before bed with warm water, then cold water

    Avoid touching your face your hands can be dirty too

    Bathe often

    Clean you pillow case

    Eat healthy (fruit, vegetables, water, nuts)

    Exercise (bathe afterwards)

    Relax (stress causes acne)

    Tooth paste drys out your face and removes pimples

    Don’t pop pimples, it leaves scars and creates more

    Good luck!

  3. To get rid of oily skin you should wash your face frequently. Not necessary you have to use face-wash or scrub every time. when you get chance you should wash your face with normal water. And you must avoid oily food, roasted food, fries. Try to take fresh fruits and vegetables everyday and drink plenty of water, fruit juice. Before sleeping clean and wash your face. you can use sandal pack as mask before sleeping. My sister’s skin is oily. she get a good result from it. if you want to try some product for your oily skin you can visit the site given below. I hope it may help you.

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