Get Rid Of Oily Skin

Article by nicole wilsone

Oily skin is not a disease, its just a skin texture that makes you uncomfortable from which you want to get rid of. Due to lack of proper guidance and information on oily skin care available, it has turned into one of the major skin problems resulting into pimples, acne, blackheads and many more. People with oily skin always feel their skin to be greasy. This is because of excess production of sebum from sebaceous glands. Although oily skin is less prone to wrinkles, it also creates a lot of ugly skin problems such as pimples, and blemishes. Oily skin is a condition where sebaceous glands are overactive and secrete a lot more sebum, more commonly known as oil, than what is necessary.

Stress and a lack of sleep are other factors to consider. When stress becomes overwhelming, more oil can be produced by the skin. This can clog pores and lead to acne. Part of oily skin care is to get plenty of sleep and lessen stress levels with breathing exercises, meditation or by a change in lifestyle. If you have combination skin, it means the skin on your face is generally dry or normal, but excessively oily around the nose, often extending down to the chin and up into the forehead. Over-washing can actually cause the skin to produce more oil, making skin worse in the long run.

Oily skincare products that make your skin feel taut and dehydration are also working against you. The upper layers of your skin will shrink. This restricts the natural oil flow through your pores, which creates blockages (aka blackheads) and breakouts. Many people with oily skin avoid using a moisturizer because they want to avoid making their skin look more greasy. Even people with oily skin need to use a moisturizer, they just need to make sure they use one that is specified for oily skin care. One thing to understand abut treating oily skin is that, you need to follow a strict regimen. Results show only after continuous usage of the right oily skin care products.

Since artificial chemicals present in cosmetic products might trigger allergic reactions and make things worse for an oily skinned person, the best choice is to go for organic oily skincare products. Keep in mind that for products designed for oily skin care to work, they have to have some kind of antibacterial agent to battle acne and other common problems caused by an over production of oil. Some people have what’s known as combination skin, whereby certain areas of the skin are oily and others are dry. Interestingly, oily skin ages more slowly than other types of skin.

Also, you have to apply a facials mask on a weekly basis. The preferred type is the clay mask as it can tighten the skin pores, thus, lessening oily skin. And speaking of acne, you must also consult your dermatologist about breakouts as soon as they start. If your oily skin care product leaves your skin feeling tight and overly dry, get rid of it. That tight feeling comes because the product caused the top layers of your skin to shrink and that will block your pores as well as leave you feeling uncomfortable.

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