EASY ACNE CLEANSER! | Natural Treatment For Acne & Oily Skin

Got oats? Got water? Hey presto, you have this cleanser! ☆ SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDS EVERY WEEK! ☆ • • • • • Click ‘SHOW MORE’ for extra info! • • • • • Hey guy…
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20 Replies to “EASY ACNE CLEANSER! | Natural Treatment For Acne & Oily Skin”

  1. I have oatmeal on my face right now! I’ve been using it for over a year as
    a cleanser and it’s really helped my skin clear up. I grind mine in the
    blender to make the flakes smaller so it’s less messy. Sometimes I leave
    it to dry so it really sops up all the day’s oil and then I wash it off and
    my skin is soft and happy and clean! And then I smear a cucumber slice on
    my skin or spray cucumber juice. I keep it in a little spray bottle in the
    fridge and it’s ahhhhh-mazing!

  2. I like your videos! 🙂 Can you please do a video on closed
    comedones/milia.It’s something I am currently suffering from? 🙁 x

  3. Acne all starts from your digestion guys, if your body isn’t properly
    eliminating toxins it will show through your skin. Some foods aren’t meant
    for everybody, everyone’s body is different. Like a lot of people, I found
    that my body did not agree with gluten and dairy. They were toxic to my
    body. Change your diet, change your skin, change your life. Watch my video
    on my channel on how I cured my acne completely. It’s all in the diet. 

  4. i have been dealing with acne for a long time now.
    Some days my skin is okay then the next it is horrid! 🙁
    I literally spend all day searching for remedies to do at home.
    I recently bought a acne cleanser from clean and clear and it gave me a
    really bad allergic reaction it was so bad i had to throw it away!
    I am going to try this!
    I have some like 3 or 4 acne scars i hate it.
    Please give me advice!
    – Maria
    Washington State.

  5. Awww the kitty is so cute! Also, thanks for this video. I used to use this
    cleansing method often but I’ve forgotten about it for a while and you’ve
    reminded me! I think I got lazy cause it gets messy lol

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